When adding an IQeye camera ViconNet, the camera will receive a command to use the 'preferred ViconNet stream configuration'.
If the camera is factory defaulted, the camera will use a stream configuration that is optimized for ViconNet.
If the camera already has a customized stream configuration, the command to use the 'preferred ViconNet stream configuration' will have no effect.
For instance:
A IQ762 camera in factory default mode has a stream configuration of:
Stream 1: h264 1080p 15fps 0deg
Stream 2: jpeg 1080p 15fps 0deg
Stream 3: h264 480p 15fps 0deg
If the camera is added in ViconNet, the preferred stream config will be set to:
Stream 1: h264 1080p 30fps 0deg
Stream 2: h264 480p 30fps 0deg
Stream 3: none 480p 15fps 0deg
ViconNet will be able to show a 480p/30FPS stream for thumbnails view and low resolution recording.
ViconNet will be able to show a 1080p/FPS stream for full-screen view and high res recording.
In addition the ViconNet Museum Search option will be enabled in the camera.
Because all available resources are used to deliver the 1080p/30FPS + 480p/30FPS streams, there is no M-JPG stream anymore to deliver pre-view in the webpage of the camera. This will look as illustrated below. This is normal behavior.
You can always use the 'restore defaults' in the camera configuration, to get the preview stream back in the web interface.
You can then use a stream combination that takes less resources, like for instance: 1080p/15FPS + 480p/15FPS
This will give you a preview in the web interface, as well as a high and low resolution stream in ViconNet, albeit with a lower frame rate.